My Minutes

Set goals for your time with a personal time tracker.

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Created by Kamil Tusznio

My Minutes - Tasks


Time Budgeting

Set the minimum or maximum amount of time you want to put into a task. Spend 'at least' 1 hour getting exercise, or 'at most' 30 minutes checking e-mail.

Repeating Tasks

Set the days on which your task repeats, and My Minutes will only remind you about it then.

Motivational Streaks

Build up streaks of green as you meet your goals. Keeping your streak alive will motivate you to keep going tomorrow.

How It Works

To get started, you simply set up a goal: "Do at least 30 minutes of exercise."

By tracking your time, My Minutes lets you cut time away from less important things to put to work elsewhere.

Only getting 20 minutes of exercise most days? That's great, because those remaining ten minutes must be going somewhere.

Say you notice you're spending about 1 hour and 20 minutes a day dealing with email. Yikes! With My Minutes, you can set up another goal: "Do at most 1 hour of email."

By freeing up 20 minutes, you dedicate 10 more minutes to getting exercise and hit your goal.

Using "at least" and "at most" goals, My Minutes delivers a two-pronged boost to your productivity. You cut down on wasted time, and spend that time being more productive.

My Minutes Classic for iOS

Looking for the original version of My Minutes? It's in the App Store.

Available now on the App Store

Have an idea that'll make My Minutes better? I want to hear from you. Tweet or email me your thoughts. I'll respond as quickly as I can.

Thanks for checking out and sharing the app. Here's to your minutes! - Kamil